Guiding from experience.
Leading for change.
RAD Advocates guides and advocates for parents as they navigate developmental trauma, commonly diagnosed as reactive attachment disorder.
Along the way, we educate professionals too.
What is Developmental Trauma Disorder/Reactive Attachment Disorder?
Developmental trauma, commonly diagnosed as reactive attachment disorder (RAD), develops when a child’s brain is impacted by trauma during the first few years of life. Although common in children living in the foster care system and in orphanages internationally, the disorder can impact any child and family.
Children with developmental trauma/RAD are stuck in a constant state of fight or flight, even after their trauma has long passed.
It’s extremely difficult, even dangerous at times, for parents — whether adoptive, biological, step-parent, or otherwise — to raise a child with RAD and find effective help for them and keep their families safe. RAD Advocates exists to bridge the gap between families and professionals.

What We Do & How We Do It
RAD Advocates bridges the knowledge gap between families living with the reality of developmental trauma and the people who can support them.
We educate:
Parents, caregivers and professionals regarding a variety of topics related to reactive attachment disorder
Providers about the effects caused by reactive attachment disorder within the family unit
We support:
Families in the midst of crises and at difficult events such as court hearings and investigations
Families as they navigate the complicated systems surrounding reactive attachment disorder (i.e. insurance, paperwork, etc.)
Families and providers as they create safety plans for every member of the family
Families in finding resources and helpful treatment options to meet their unique needs and desires
We advocate:
On behalf of families at various meetings with clinicians, educators, human services departments, etc. to best meet the needs of everyone in the family